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2023-02-22 17:55  

王淑敏 副教授








吉林大学无机非金属材料工程专业 本科毕业(2007年6月) 吉林大学材料物理与化学专业 博士毕业(2013年6月)















1. 2019年辽宁省科技厅项目,“锰基氧化物的可控制备及其催化性能研究”,编号:2019-ZD-0189,2019年10月-2022年09月。

2.2017年国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,“石墨烯基杂化复合材料的可控制备及其场发射增强机制研究”。编号:51602140, 2017年01月-2019年12月。








1. 沈阳市自然科学学术成果奖,2018年沈阳市科学技术协会、沈阳市人才工作办公室、沈阳市人力资源和社会保障局,三等奖,证书编号:2018CGJ-A3-032,第一完成人



1. Shumin Wang*, Kaixuan Wang, Wenping Cao, Liang Qiao, Xue Peng, Dan Yu, Shiming Wang, Chao Li, Chuan Wang, Degradation of methylene blue by ellipsoidal β-FeOOH@MnO2 core-shell catalyst: Performance and mechanism, Applied Surface Science, 2023,619:156667.

2. Shumin Wang*, Ao Guan, Jiahan Wang, Xiaofang Fu, Xiang Guo, Yuan Tian, Kaixuan Wang, Wenping Cao and Cuimei Zhao, Highly efficient degradation of rhodamine B by α-MnO2 nanorods, Bulletin of Materials Science, 2022, 45(1):35.

3. 王淑敏*,林海龙,侯俊斌,田源,李超,刘成功, MnO2的生长机理及其对罗丹明B的快速降解研究, 材料科学与工程学报, 2022,40(01):34-39.

4. Shumin Wang, Hongwei Tian, Cuimei Zhao, Qiyu Wang, Weitao Zheng*, Synthesis and field emission properties of graphene-Ni hybrid composites,Diamond and Related Materials, 2017, 77:102–109.

5. Shumin Wang, Liang Qiao, Cuimei Zhao, Xiaoming Zhang, Jianli Chen, Hongwei Tian, Weitao Zheng* and Zhengbo Han, A growth mechanism for graphene deposited on polycrystalline Co film by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, New Journal of Chemistry, 2013,37:1616-1622.

6. Shumin Wang, Hongwei Tian, Yanhui Pei, Qingnan Meng, Jianli Chen, Huan Wang, Yi Zeng, Weitao Zheng* and Yichun Liu, Controllable synthesis of a novel hedgehog-like core/shell structure, Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 2012, 186:235-239.

7. Shumin Wang, Hongwei Tian, Qingnan Meng, Cuimei Zhao, Liang Qiao, Yifei Bing, Chaoquan Hu, Weitao Zheng* and Y.C. Liu, Field emission properties of vertically aligned thin-graphite sheets/ graphite -encapsulated Cu particles, Applied Surface Science, 2012, 258:6930-6937.

8. Shumin Wang, Yanhui Pei, Xin Wang, Huan Wang, Qingnan Meng, Hongwei Tian, Xianliang Zheng, Weitao Zheng* and Yichun Liu, Synthesis of graphene on a polycrystalline Co film by radio-frequency plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2010, 43 :455402 (6pp).

9. Liang Qiao, Shumin Wang, Xiaoming Zhang, Xiaoying Hu, Yi Zeng, Weitao Zheng, Adsorption and diffusion of carbon atom on the surface and in the subsurface of Co (200): a first-principles density- functional study, Chinese Phys. B, 2014, 23: 086802.

10. Liang Qiao, Xiaoming Zhang, Shumin Wang, Shansheng Yu, Xiaoying Hu, LIli Wang, Yi Zeng, Weitao Zheng, First principles investigations on the adsorption and diffusion of carbon atoms on the surface and in the subsurface of Co (111) related to the growth of grapheme, RSC Adv., 2014, 4:34237-34243.





辽宁大学轻型产业学院  地址:沈阳市皇姑区崇山中路66号
电话:024-62202139  邮编:110036